Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Rustpeddler is Kickstarting

If you know me, you know I am all about recycling, repurposing, just finding a use for all of the STUFF we all have. I hate for anything to go to waste.

For any of you that don't know her already,              
meet Sarah Homans, one of Livingston's finest creative forces.

Sarah makes some of the most beautiful jewelry I have come across - she is one of those people that can make anything out of seemingly nothing. And she's a wonderful person.

"Like a nervous twitch, I've been bending down and picking up these objects for as long as I can remember. About 10 years ago, I decided that this collection of mystery metal/found objects needed to be put to good use: wearable art."

And it happens right here in Livingston! I would encourage you to take a look at her Kickstarter campaign - right now :)! Then, make a pledge. You wont regret it.

Click Here  Sarah Homans, The Rustpeddler's Kickstarting Campaign to read more and meet Sarah.

The Rustpeddlers Leaf Earrings

Rustpeddlers Metal Doodle Earrings
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Repurposed Metal Necklace

Livingston Montana Fine Art
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Every piece I make is different- even if I'm following a general design it is very important to me that each piece has its own "soul."

Making something out of nothing

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