Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Only Thing Left Is The Chair

This is the only item left from the sale at photographer John Zumpano's house. I am posting two pictures. John's photo caught me up with feeling a move. It is a lot to sell a house. I've been thinking a lot about that lately. Time, money, memories. Separating the things you have accumulated into piles of Give - Sell - Keep. I hear a lot of people say how difficult it all is. I rather like moving and the demand it makes on me to simplify my life.
Anyway... back to selling the chair. My picture gives you more detail even though it isn't as interesting. The chair has to be about 100 years old. And it is in overall very good condition. If you are looking for a Wood Mission Style Rocking Chair, give me a call at 406-224-1559. $200

Monday, May 21, 2012

124 South 3rd Street

Thursday and Friday from 3pm to 7pm and Saturday all day after 8am. This is a sale about books really. I tried to guess how many 1000? 2000? They are all fine titles. Western literature, photography. Beautiful fiction - and all very well cared for. There are power tools too, lamps and some antiques. We are selling a fine mission rocking chair and a great dining room or work table. Those are some canvases! If you like the art - great! If you don't gesso over them and create something wonderful of your own. 

Just for clarity, I don't open the doors early as a rule. However, because I do so much internet exposure, I will sell a piece of furniture if you are willing to buy it from my photos. My job is to liquidate housefuls of things for their owners. The worst thing for them is to have to give it all away at the end of my job. So if you are interested in something - give me a call at 224-1559. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Storage Unit Sale This Saturday, May 5th

Well, its that time again. We manage to accumulate a number of interesting things throughout the year and store it at #17, Business Park Storage - behind the Stafford Animal Shelter. This is as eclectic of a grouping that I can think of lately. Among other things, if you are interested in psychology books, camping gear, or tools this might be a great opportunity for you. I'd like to sell everything in this unit - come early and make me an offer on the whole thing! We could be our own Storage Wars Show! I'll be adding to it as the day goes on and as time allows. We'll get there at 8am. I'd better not start it any earlier than that and be good to my word.
I'll try to take some pictures and post them in the next day or two.

For any of you that might be checking in about the
Handcrafted Cedar Strip Kayak, scroll down a post and check out the pictures. It is a beautiful boat. Maybe I will bring it to the sale on Saturday for you to look at. Feel free to call me at 224-1559 with any questions. This boat needs to be taken out an enjoyed. Its getting to be the perfect time of year for it. And the price just got reduced on it!

And then there is the Airstream.
Its getting an exterior makeover this next week and I am pretty dang excited about it!  For those of you that don't know what I am talking about, I have a 1972 Globetrotter Airstream that I have been slowly fixing up for the past 4 years or so. I'm not making it into a 4 star hotel, but its pretty cute. I am very excited with the response so far. There are some openings, especially in June, so if you have some company coming to town and you want a little extra room, we can pull it over to your house. Its a pretty modest fee compared to any hotel here in town.
This is the before photo. I WILL post afters!

Check out my spot on AirBNB Here (its just a click away!) : 

Drumroll Please...

Lastly (but not least), I have diversified! 
Thanks Man! is a small division of Nice Sale Today. If you have lawn care or a job that needs to be done around the house, specifically lifting or moving things, I have employed an able bodied teenager for the summer. He's got a good disposition and some experience. I've got a great feeling this is going to work out really well. Give us a call!