Monday, November 26, 2012

Antique Handy Button Machine, One Step Closer!

There's something about old buttons... 

Handy Button Machine for Sale with Maxant

They are pretty! The button machine in my living room made all of these. 

I've been working on this project for weeks now in my spare time.

Cleaning and sorting... I'm the first to admit, the job is not perfect, 
but its in a LOT better shape than when I found it.

I took a lot of pictures tonight. There is a lot to this inventory to look at.

If you are looking for a handy Button Machine, you should call me at
 406-224-1559. I will be putting this on eBay or Craigslist soon if I can't find a
buyer through my blog.

There are a lot of dies and the machine too. I will be adding photos of them tomorrow.
Everything is included, including all of the cool cigar boxes.

New Old Stock for Handy Button Machine

Buckles for sale Handy Button Machine in Livingston

Upholsters Dream Machine Maxant Buttons

From The Singer Store that closed in Livingston years ago

Cigar boxes full of sewing treasures...

Table full the first time...

Antique Maxant Button parts and blanks

And another table full...

Kathryn Bornemann, Estate Sales in Livingston Montana

This is the total of the button blanks ( backs, fronts and pieces) all boxed up.
Thats a lot of buttons.

The cigar Boxes alone can sell for $15 each on eBay. I am estimating there are 45 of them.
thats $675 in boxes in a perfect world...

huge Vintage lot Maxant Button Pieces

Here are the parts to make buckles. I have not attempted one of those yet.

How to make fabric covered belt buckles

And here are the cutters for the fabric. 

Livingston Montana sewing

The old display boards...

How to make belt buckles
button examples

Maxant Button Display Belt Buckles
belt buckle examples

I'll be back at it in the morning.
See you then.

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